1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Preconference Boot Camp
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Preconference CCP Training
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Health Policy Dinner (optional)
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Preconference Session
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Preconference CCP Training
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Health Policy Dinner (optional)
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Preconference CCP Training
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Health Policy Dinner (optional)
8 am - 12 pm Opening Plenary Session
8:00 am Welcome and Overview
8:15 am Keynote - Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (Invited)
8:45 am The Current State of the Medical Home
9:15 am Medical Homes in the Safety Net
9:45 am Assuring an Adequate Physician and Nursing Workforce
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Getting the Payment Models Right
11:00 am How are We Doing on the "Patient-Centeredness" Part?
11:30 am Disruptive Innovation in Primary Care
8 am - 12 pm Opening Plenary Session
8:00 am Welcome and Introduction to Day I
8:30 am The Importance of Care Coordination to Population Health
9:00 am Transitions of Care
9:30 am Managing and Maintaining Health Information
10:00 am Break
10:30 am Coordinating Care to Improve Health Care Outcomes and Defray Costs
11:00 am Prevention and Wellness Savings
11:30 am The Role of Data in Population Health Research
8 am - 12 pm Preconference
8:00 am Welcome and Introduction
8:15 am Retail Clinic Industry Overview
9:15 am Professional Liability and Patient Safety for Hospital Sponsored Clinics
9:45 am Health Plan and Employer Contracting Issues
10:15 am Break
10:45 am The MedPoint Express Experience
11:15 am HCA Healthcare and Convenience Medicine
12:00 pm Adjournment
12 pm - 1 pm Networking Luncheon
12 pm - 1 pm Networking Luncheon
12 pm - 1 pm Lunch on Your Own
1 pm - 2:45 pm Joint Plenary Session
1:00 pm Welcome and Introduction
1:15 pm Overview of Health System Change - Susan Dentzer
1:45 pm Health Reform Update - John Iglehart
2:15 pm Comparative Effectiveness Update - Carolyn M. Clancy, MD
2:45 pm Transition Break
1 pm - 2:45 pm Joint Plenary Session
1:00 pm Welcome and Introduction
1:15 pm Overview of Health System Change - Susan Dentzer
1:45 pm Health Reform Update - John Iglehart
2:15 pm Comparative Effectiveness Update - Carolyn M. Clancy, MD
2:45 pm Transition Break
1 pm - 2:45 pm Joint Plenary Session
1:00 pm Welcome and Introduction
1:15 pm Overview of Health System Change - Susan Dentzer
1:45 pm Health Reform Update - John Iglehart
2:15 pm Comparative Effectiveness Update - Carolyn M. Clancy, MD
2:45 pm Transition Break
3 pm - 4 pm Joint PH/DM and Medical Home Plenary Session
3:00 pm Panel Discussion of Opportunities for Synergy between PH/DM & Medical Homes
4:00 pm Transition Break
3 pm - 4 pm Joint PH/DM and Medical Home Plenary Session
3:00 pm Panel Discussion of Opportunities for Synergy between PH/DM & Medical Homes
4:00 pm Transition Break
3 pm - 4:30 pm Plenary Session
3:00 pm Introduction and Welcome
3:15 pm Overview of the Policy and Regulatory Environment
4:00 pm State Regulatory Issues
4:15 pm - 6 pm Plenary Session
4:15 pm Welcome
4:30 pm What Will the Patient-Centered Medical Home Look Like in 2014?
5:00 pm Clinician Roundtable on the Patient-Centered Medical Home
6:00 pm Adjournment
4:15 pm - 6 pm Plenary Session
4:15 pm Promoting Workforce Health and Productivity
4:45 pm Designing and Implementing an Effective Corporate Wellness Plan
5:15 pm Health Communication and Social Networking
6:00 pm Adjournment
4:45 pm - 6:15 pm Track Sessions
Track A: Employer-Based Initiatives
Track B: Hospital-Sponsored Initiatives
6:15 pm Adjournment
6:00 pm Joint Networking Reception
6:00 pm Joint Networking Reception
6:15 pm Joint Networking Reception
8 am - 9 am Joint Medical Home and Retail Clinic Plenary Session
8:00 am 21st Century Primary Care - New Roles and Relationships
9:00 am Transition Break
8 am - 9:15 am Plenary Session
8:00 am Introduction to the Morning Day III
8:15 am Population Health Management for Medicare
8:45 am Supplementing Private Insurance
9:15 am Transition Break
8 am - 9 am Joint Medical Home and Retail Clinic Plenary Session
8:00 am 21st Century Primary Care - New Roles and Relationships
9:00 am Transition Break
9:15 am - 12 pm Plenary Session
9:15 am Welcome and Introduction
9:30 am The CMS APC and Related Medical Home Initiatives
10:00 am Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care
10:30 am The Need for Accurate Data
11:00 am Opportunities for Medication Management in the PCMH
11:30 am Current and Future Medical Home Legal Issues
9:30 am - 12:15 pm Track Sessions
Track I: Successful Communication Strategies that Encourage Behavior Change
Track II: Using Data and Technology to Improve Quality Patient Care
9:15 am - 12 pm Plenary Session
9:15 am Introduction
9:30 am Disruptive Innovation and Retail Clinics
10:15 am RAND Studies on Retail Clinic Cost, Quality and Operations
11:00 am State of the Industry: CEO Roundtable
12 pm - 1pm Networking Lunch
12:15 pm - 1 pm Networking Lunch
12 pm - 1pm Networking Lunch
1 pm - 4:45 pm Track Sessions
Track A: Medicaid and Special Population Models
Track B: Medicare and Commercial Health Plan Models
1 pm - 2 pm Joint PH/DM and Retail Clinic Plenary Session
1:00 pm How Population Health, Disease Management and Retail Clinics Relate
2:00 pm Transition Break
1 pm - 2 pm Joint PH/DM and Retail Clinic Plenary Session
1:00 pm How Population Health, Disease Management and Retail Clinics Relate
2:00 pm Transition Break
2:15 pm - 4:15 pm Closing Plenary Session
2:15 pm Population Health - Innovation, Strategy and Practice: Roundtable Discussion
3:15 pm CEO Roundtable
2:15 pm - 4:15 pm Closing Plenary Session
2:15 pm Introduction
2:30 pm Retail Clinic Access Concerns
3:15 pm Changes in Retail Clinic Scope of Services
3:45 pm Issues in Retail Clinic Accreditation